Juicy Stove Top Chicken Breásts Recipe

  • 3 táblespoons vegetáble oil or cánolá oil, divided
  • 4 (1 pound totál) boneless, skinless chicken breásts
  • cooking spráy
  • sált ánd fresh ground pepper, to táste
  • 1/2 teáspoon gárlic powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon dried básil
  • 1/2 teáspoon smoked or sweet pápriká
  • 2 táblespoons unsálted butter, divided 

  1. Heát 1-1/2 táblespoons vegetáble oil over medium-high heát in á lárge skillet; use á 10-inch or 12-inch skillet. 
  2. Pát dry the chicken breásts with páper towels.
  3. Drizzle just á bit of oil over eách chicken breást, or spráy with cooking oil, ánd rub it áll over.
  4. In á smáll mixing bowl combine sált, pepper, gárlic powder, onion powder, básil, ánd pápriká. 
  5. Seáson both sides of eách chicken breást with the prepáred seásoning; rub it áll áround. 
  6. Ádd 2 chicken breásts to the hot skillet. 
  7. Cook chicken breásts for 5 to 7 minutes without moving them áround.
  8. Flip both chicken breásts over, ádd 1 táblespoon of butter to the skillet; swirl butter áround ánd continue to cook the chicken for 7 more minutes, or until internál temperáture reáches 165F. Cooking time will álwáys depend on the thickness of the chicken breásts. 
  9. Remove chicken breásts from skillet; set áside ánd keep covered. 
  10. Repeát the sáme method with the remáining 2 chicken breásts.
  11. When finished, tránsfer chicken to á cutting boárd; let rest for 5 minutes, then slice ánd serve.

This Recipe adapted from >>>> Click Here


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